Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Being MIA

I've been missing in action for a long time now.  Looking at previous posts, it seems as though I haven't posted anything on this blog in almost four years.  FOUR.  YEARS.  Somehow it doesn't seem that long though.

At any rate, I have been caught up in many other things that life has to offer.  Such as divorce and subsequent deep depression.  It's definitely not something that is cool or makes for a more interesting person.  It sucks.  Flat out.  I have been getting better, thanks to outside help in the form of old and new friends as well as more traditional treatment routes, but it's still something that I struggle with on an almost daily basis.  The mind can be a terrifying maze sometimes.

I've also been going back to college.  I've graduated with an Associate's of Arts degree so far, and I am now about a year removed from graduating with a Bachelor's degree in Professional Child Herding (also known as Elementary Education).  I'm hoping to be a teacher for around third or fourth graders, though I would also LOVE to teach art.  We shall see.

As far as garage kits go, I have been getting back into it when my schedule allows.  I don't know as to how often I will post here on the blog, maybe the occasional WIP post and definitely finished figures.  No commissions though, I don't know as to when I'll get back into that if ever.  Right now, I'm just enjoying building kits again for the pure fun of it without any pressure.

I do now post updates on a regular basis on my Instagram account @setsuna.saturn so go give that a follow if you are so inclined, and I am going to blow the dust off my Facebook page and start doing the same.  Somehow it's just easier than updating this thing, probably because I'm a stickler for going all out with a big picture post and formatting, whereas on other social media I just post and go.

So that's where I've been the past while.  Be on the lookout for new kits and stuff from me!  Happy building!

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