Sunday, July 15, 2012

1/7 Ichika -FINISHED-

Ichika is complete!

I really like how she turned out, kudos to my husband and his Native American know-how for helping me out with the color scheme a bit!  The only thing I would honestly change is the finish on the base; maybe satin would have been better.  Oh well...

I hope you enjoy my little Native American princess!   Click for larger pictures.

Title:        Tachibana Ichika
Scale:       1/7
Medium:   Acrylics, pastels
Method:    Airbrush, hand painting



Friday, July 6, 2012

WIP - 1/7 Ichika

Yay, now that I am done tweaking my blog, it's time to get back to business !

The next figure on my table, and the last with my old compressor I must add (-SQUEAL!- ), is a character named Tachibana Ichika.  I personally don't know the character but she is cute, and was on sale for about $25 so I figured why not?  Looking at her though, I was inspired to do her a different color scheme (as is usual for me).  All the feathers and bling...hmm...she shall be a Native American princess!

I cut off all the tabs, washed her, and started sanding and repairing some spots.  Overall she's a pretty good cast; there are a few problem areas but it's nothing a little putty won't fix...

Managed to prime her on a day that wasn't scorching hot, and she's ready for paint!  I masked off her outfit and started with her skin.  Laid down the base tone, which is a little darker than usual, and then shaded it.

Next I painted her outfit.  Since she is a princess, and a rather young one, I decided on a pale cream colored leather.  After it dried, I shaded with some pastels.

Time for some hair!  Painted it black (duh), but instead of using blue or purple highlights, I decided on copper.

I really like how it turned out, it ties it into the earth tones on her.  I worked on her face next, her eyes are the usual brown.  Here's a little preview of what I've done so far!

She's a fairly simple figure so she's going really quick!  Now I need to paint all that hardware she's sporting, work on her base, and she shall be complete! 

Which is a darn good thing...the next figure on my list...oh boy...what the heck have I gotten myself into???

Getting my new compressor sure couldn't have come at a more perfect time ...

Kitty Girls -FINISHED-

Yay!  My itty, bitty kitties are finished !

They were a lot of work because they were so tiny, but in the end they are totally adorable I think !  Click for larger pictures and enjoy!

Title:        Cat Girls
Scale:       1/8 and SD Version
Medium:   Acrylics, pastels
Method:    Airbrush, hand painting