Chibimoon is proving to be quite the challenge due to her casting. Remember how I stated in my previous post that she wasn't the best in the world? Yeah...about that...
All that red stuff you see is putty...That's right. P-U-T-T-Y.
Seriously...WTF happened in this this workshop? Puttying isn't something I mind too much, but this amount of flaws and crap is just unreal. I could rant on and on about this, but I'll spare you.
Anyways, I did an initial coat of primer to check for flaws and such I missed after round numero uno of prepwork. Turns out I missed quite a bit.
Repaired some more seams and areas where the putty didn't stick in the guidelines.
Fixed a small gap between her torso and skirt.
Seriously, it looked like someone friggin' chewed on her bangs o_O;
I went ahead and ground out her eyes as well, they were bugging me. I should have done that in the first place but oh well. I sculpted some side curls to go near her ears like in all of the manga references. I have to say, they turned out rather cute !
And after one more round of primer, she is ready to paint!
Started with some clear parts first. I mixed up a bit of Future Floor Wax and Pearl-Ex powder in Pink Gold. Here's the results on her back bow tails!
Oooo shiiiinyyyy @_@
As you can see, it is pink at some angles, and gold in others. But what is really cool is that the clear parts are still clear as well. I LOVE THIS STUFF !
Next is the base skintone, which is on the pale side.
Next is the base skintone, which is on the pale side.
Looks like me in the winter...
Time for Chibimoon to get her hair did!
I laid a pale pink base coat, followed by some shading in a slightly darker pink. After that I shaded the deepest areas with pastels, and highlighted with a pearl pink.
Looks odd as is, but once I seal it with a matte sealer, it will cut the metallic look down a bit. In fact, you may not see it at all unless the light hits it just right. And with that, hair and skin are complete!
She looks a tad creepy...
So now you have been caught up to where I am currently. Next up on the to-do list is her outfit, accessories, and face!
Oh, and her base. Which shall be interesting. I won't say exactly what I have in mind yet, but I will tell you it involves this stuff...
-insert mad scientist cackle-
Next post coming soon!